Book: Meditations on the Angels
This extraordinary and beautiful treatment of the Church's teaching concerning the angels and their role in Divine Providence (most notably in our own time, at Fatima) gives us renewed hope and the encouragement to persevere in resisting the fallen angels -- the...
Christ to Catholicism: Cooperation of Church and State in the United States
Christ to Catholicism PART TWO: DOGMATIC ECCLESIOLOGY XIII. Cooperation of Church and State in the United States by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The end-point of our study of the Church is her relation to the State in our own country, viewed in the light of the principles...
Book: Christopher Columbus: The Catholic Discovery of America
Father Hardon, with his unique spiritual insight, examines Columbus’ life and writings to discover what secular historians and others hostile to the Catholic Church have utterly failed to grasp! Namely, that Columbus, in Divine Providence, 'was the instrument of...
Christ to Catholicism: Principles of Church and State in Historical Perspective
With the coming of the Catholic Church an essential change was introduced by her Founder, making it independent of the power of the State.
Book: The Evangelizing Phenomenon of Fatima
'Between the covers of this book the reader will discover a veritable treasure of insights into Fatima provided by one of the greatest theological intellects and servants of the Church of our time. It's publication during the Centennial Celebration of Our Lady's...
Christ to Catholicism: The Ecumenical Movement
The Ecumenical Movement is a movement toward one universal Christian Church throughout the whole inhabited world.
Book: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, (composed from 1522-1524) are a brief set of Christian meditations, prayers and mental exercises, divided in four thematic 'weeks' of variable length, designed to be carried out over a period of 28 to 30 days. They...
Christ to Catholicism: No Salvation Outside of the Church
Christ to Catholicism PART TWO: DOGMATIC ECCLESIOLOGY X. No Salvation Outside of the Church by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Shortly before his conversion to the Catholic Faith, Cardinal Newman wrote to a friend who was concerned about his rumored change of allegiance from...
Book: A Comparative Study of Bellarmine’s Doctrine on the Relation of Sincere Non-Catholics to the Catholic Church
A scholarly study by Father Hardon of what the Church teaches regarding membership of non-Catholics in the Church, and the true distinction and meaning between BODY and SOUL of the Church. Fr. Hardon saw Bellarmine's teaching as the antidote to false and erroneous...
Christ to Catholicism: Papal Infallibility
Christ to Catholicism PART TWO: DOGMATIC ECCLESIOLOGY IX. Papal Infallibility by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. When papal infallibility was defined by the Vatican Council in 1870, the non-Catholic world reacted with spontaneous hostility. With rare exception, the secular...