
Pray with us for Fr. Hardon’s Canonization. Click for his free prayer card

His suffering was totally, utterly voluntary

Christ made sure he was transfigured before his passion, so that the disciples… you remember who were the three disciples, Peter, James and John; the same three, remember, who later on fell asleep on him in Gethsemane…. to prepare them for his passion. In other words,...

To achieve the Beatific Vision: we need grace

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J Part One: Grace Considered Extensively. Chapter I: Why Grace? Why do we have sacraments? To give us grace. But is grace the ultimate, the “end of the line?” Is it an end in itself, a gift of God which we are simply to have, a treasure just...

Christ wants people to be near Him

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Our present conference, the first of two, will be on prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. As we come to the end of our series of conferences on the priestly spirituality of Father Gerald, we approach what I consider the heart of his...

Course on Grace

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. INTRODUCTION Grace is one of the most complex, ramifying and difficult of subjects, yet one most fruitful to mind and soul. We like to characterize the world of grace as a hidden world, within the world that we know rather well. Our most...