He felt from the very beginning that this kind of error cannot be conquered by human wisdom alone
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We will take an analysis and a rundown of ten of the outstanding statements in the Dominican tradition given by St. Thomas Aquinas, who was on the scene early in the Dominican Order and whose writings have influenced the whole Church ever...
His suffering was totally, utterly voluntary
Christ made sure he was transfigured before his passion, so that the disciples… you remember who were the three disciples, Peter, James and John; the same three, remember, who later on fell asleep on him in Gethsemane…. to prepare them for his passion. In other words,...
Grace is a supernatural gift of God to rational creatures to help them attain the Beatific Vision
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Part One : Chapter II :: What is Grace? If we were to single out one word with which to start our definition of grace, what would it be? Gift. Grace is a free gift, a supernatural gift of God to rational creatures to help them attain the...
You might say the Society of Jesus was born on a sick bed
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The plan, then, is that we will reflect on some of the outstanding saints of the Society of Jesus, see some of their spirituality and see what we can learn from both their sanctity and their zeal for souls. The logical one to begin with is...
To achieve the Beatific Vision: we need grace
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J Part One: Grace Considered Extensively. Chapter I: Why Grace? Why do we have sacraments? To give us grace. But is grace the ultimate, the “end of the line?” Is it an end in itself, a gift of God which we are simply to have, a treasure just...
Christ wants people to be near Him
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Our present conference, the first of two, will be on prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. As we come to the end of our series of conferences on the priestly spirituality of Father Gerald, we approach what I consider the heart of his...
Course on Grace
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. INTRODUCTION Grace is one of the most complex, ramifying and difficult of subjects, yet one most fruitful to mind and soul. We like to characterize the world of grace as a hidden world, within the world that we know rather well. Our most...
The Spirit Speaks Through the Church on Every Occasion
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We commonly think of the Church’s teaching authority in connection with controversies that arise among Catholic scholars or when some issue touching on faith or morals threatens the integrity of the Christian religion. No doubt the Church...
Our Lord promised that if we possess the truth we shall be free
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The most fundamental need of human beings is to know the truth. Unless they know the truth, they cannot choose what is truly good. What is truly good is that which leads us to eternal life. The focus of the present issue of The Catholic...
In his judgment, these and other great mystics of Christianity were insane
Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Let me begin by quoting from a standard dictionary. "A vision is something seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight: an imaging, supernatural, or prophetic sight beheld in sleep or ecstasy; especially one that conveys a revelation." A...