“And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white.” (Luke (RSV) 9:29)
Christ made sure he was transfigured before his passion, so that the disciples… you remember who were the three disciples, Peter, James and John; the same three, remember, who later on fell asleep on him in Gethsemane…. to prepare them for his passion. In other words, that what he foretold he would fulfill; that having suffered he would rise from the dead. In other words, that his suffering was totally, utterly voluntary. I cannot stress that word too much; admitting repeating it would make it more clear. Well, the Lord can’t make more clear what the word voluntary means when we speak of voluntary suffering. And if you’re going to work for the extension of Christ’s kingdom, my friends, there is just no option. You don’t have to look for suffering. Oh, no! You don’t have to ask for it. Oh, no! You’re going to get it! And, from your dearest friends. And then the beauty is, you love it!