by Editor | Mar 25, 2024 | Angelology, Angels, Devotions
There are few aspects of the Christian faith that are more satisfying to the human spirit than to know that each one of us has our own personal guardian angel. We may say this is part of God’s loving providence over the human race. If there is one thing that we all...
by Editor | Feb 26, 2024 | Devotions, Education, Family
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The family as a group of persons of common ancestry began with the human race. But if we are to understand the meaning of the Christian family, we should know something of the family in pre-Christian times. The reason is that Christ...
by Editor | Jan 25, 2024 | Papacy, Spirituality
,by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Until recent years, we would hardly have written on a subject like “The Roman Primacy and the Spiritual Life.” But much has happened to call for some inquiry into the relationship between faith in the papal primacy and growth in the...
by Editor | Dec 18, 2023 | Christmas, Martyrdom, Saints
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. It is remarkable that the day after Christmas we should be celebrating the feast of a martyr. The custom goes back to the very early Church. It seems that in her wisdom, the Church wanted to make sure that we associated Christ with...
by Editor | Nov 23, 2023 | Trinity
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the most fundamental of our faith. On it everything else depends and from it everything else derives. Hence the Church’s constant concern to safeguard the revealed truth that God is One in nature and Three...