by Editor | Oct 24, 2020 | Doctrine, Evangelization, Marriage, Moral Theology Book
Moral Theology | Chapter VI: Christian Marriage by John A. Hardon, S.J. The Christian concept of marriage, although built on the natural law, differs sharply from the earlier practices among the Jews and pagans, and also from the modern secular usage – to the point...
by Editor | Sep 25, 2020 | Books, Shop
Until a few years ago we seldom spoke about "Satan/Satanism" and hardly knew what it was all about. But things have drastically changed. Many books now warn of Satan and his influence in the world, the conflict with the evil spirit, or as St. John says, the spirit of...
by Editor | Sep 25, 2020 | Holiness, Saints
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Two years before her death, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face wrote to her aunt, Isidore Guerin: I love to read the lives of the saints very much. The account of their heroic deeds inflames my courage and spurs me on to...
by Editor | Aug 26, 2020 | Books, Catechesis, Shop
Until a few years ago we seldom spoke about "Satan/Satanism" and hardly knew what it was all about. But things have drastically changed. Many books now warn of Satan and his influence in the world, the conflict with the evil spirit, or as St. John says, the spirit of...
by Editor | Aug 25, 2020 | Baptism, Sacraments
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. As we begin our conferences on the seven sacraments, our plan is to introduce each conference with some of the modern misunderstandings on each sacrament. I say misunderstandings. But they could better be called blatant errors that we used...