
Pray with us for Fr. Hardon’s Canonization. Click for his free prayer card

The Eucharistic Spirituality of Father John Hardon

Fr. John Hardon spent many hours on his knees before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer, adoration and even in working, writing and study. Father knew of the power inherent in the Eucharistic Jesus: the power to convert individuals, the family, the world. Heeding the...

Christ Gave Us the Real Presence for Hope

Christ Gave Us the Real Presence for Hope

XV. The Real Presence: Profession of Hope Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We continue our reflections on why Christ instituted the Real Presence. In this chapter, we will consider the fact that Christ gave us the Real Presence so we might profess our hope in Him as our final...

The Marian Catechist Manual

The Marian Catechist Manual is the fruit of twenty years of tireless work to form catechists both spiritually and doctrinally. It sets forth the noble goals of the Marian Catechists and the means by which those goals are to be achieved. For the Marian Catechists, it...

Blessed Virgin in Modern Catechetics

Blessed Virgin in Modern Catechetics

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. There are, in general, two kinds of religion programs in use in Catholic schools and Confraternity classes in the United States at the present time. They may conveniently be classified as experiential and doctrinal. In the experiential...

The Words and Wisdom of Father Hardon

Over 350 sayings from Father Hardon are catalogued here and compel one to reflect on the holiness of this Servant of God and to imitate his virtue and saintly way of life. You will be inspired to throw off lethargy and become involved in using the media to foster the...

A Spiritual Autobiography by Fr. John Hardon

Until a few years ago we seldom spoke about "Satan/Satanism" and hardly knew what it was all about. But things have drastically changed. Many books now warn of Satan and his influence in the world, the conflict with the evil spirit, or as St. John says, the spirit of...

The Importance of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

The Importance of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Two years before her death, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face wrote to her aunt, Isidore Guerin: I love to read the lives of the saints very much. The account of their heroic deeds inflames my courage and spurs me on to...

Book: The Question & Answer Catholic Catechism

Until a few years ago we seldom spoke about "Satan/Satanism" and hardly knew what it was all about. But things have drastically changed. Many books now warn of Satan and his influence in the world, the conflict with the evil spirit, or as St. John says, the spirit of...