Cardinal Newman: An Excellent Guide in Mariology
Cardinal Newman, Apologist of Our Lady by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. In their formal protest in 1950 against the definition of Our Lady’s Assumption, the Anglican bishops of England declared, “We profoundly regret that the Roman Catholic Church has chosen by this act to...
A Vocation Comes From Christ
Vocations and the Commitment Crisis by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. SRV Chaplain With the dwindling number of entries into seminaries and novitiates, we naturally ask, “What happened?” And we are inclined to put the blame where it does not belong, on a lack of vocations....
The Holy Family is the Remedy to the Breakdown of Family Life
The Holy Family: Model for the Modern World by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. If there is one phenomenon that characterizes the modern world, especially the modern western world, it is the breakdown of family life. The most rampant divorce rate of human history, which in...
Christmas Day: The Turning Point of History
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Most people take for granted that we number the years as we do. This year is 1990 A.D. But behind the number is not only a fact of history; it is the turning point of history. It separates two ages in the annals of the human race: "Before...
John the Baptist: He was the principal figure after Christ
St. John the Baptist by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The one person whom the Liturgy most features during the season of Advent is John the Baptist. He was described by the Savior as the greatest person ever born of woman. We may be sure the Savior excluded himself, who is...
The conscious adoration of God
Prayer and the First Commandment by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The most generic and fundamental definition of prayer: the conscious adoration of God. We might say it is expressed adoration. Adoration manifest. It is the communication of our minds and wills with God with...
Islam: These thoughts are not the passing fancy of a social visionary
Islam by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. To most Christians, Mohammedanism is only a vague religious movement that somehow gave rise to the Crusades and that presently affects the culture and political aspirations of certain people in North Africa, the Near East and...
Orthodoxy without Charity is Not Christianity
Love Your Enemies A homily by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. Jesus said to his disciples, “You have heard the commandment: You shall love your countryman but hate your enemy. My command to you is: love your enemies; pray...
Augustine had the enemies of Christian marriage in his day, and we have them in ours
Saint Augustine and Christian Marriage by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. It must seem strange, or even a bit archaic, to address oneself to a topic like "Saint Augustine and Christian Marriage." What makes it odd is that Augustine died in 430 A.D. and this is the last...
Though we don’t die a martyr’s death, we are expected to live a martyr’s life
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Our reflections for this afternoon are on the North American Martyrs. That's the Church's official name, either the Martyrs of North America or the North American Martyrs and they were all members of the Society of Jesus. There were eight...