Religious life: loyalty should be prudent, humble, and obedient
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. What we're doing, of course, is continuing our meditations on the Holy Father's essential elements of religious life. Before we proceed further, it may be useful to note that the Pope combines two kinds of fidelity, both, he says, required...
The Apostolate of the Laity Since Vatican II
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. It may sound a bit odd to address oneself to the subject of the apostolate of the laity since the Second Vatican Council. The address is not in talking about the lay apostolate but in implying that this apostolate is somehow different since...
Marriage: The Mystery of Faithful Love
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We might begin by saying that this is the most fundamental truth of our faith in Christian marriage and the family. What is it? That, unlike all other marriages either before the coming of Christ or now in the world, two baptized people...
Catechism: Magna Carta of the Pro-Life Movement
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The Twentieth century is the most homicidal in the history of the human race. Its principal claim to this tragic title is the widespread legislation of abortion on a scale and with a violence unknown in all the ages of mankind. Not...
Faith in Christ is Shown by Our Loyalty to the Pope
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. There are certain events in the Gospels that synthesize what a Catholic is supposed to be. These events are at once both mysteries and challenges. They are mysteries because, though revealed, we cannot fully understand them. That, by the...
The Meaning of Virtue in St. Thomas Aquinas
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Until modern times the relationship of morals to religion was taken for granted, and writers as far different in philosophy as Plato and Avicenna, or in theology as Aquinas and Luther, never questioned the basic truth expressed on Mt. Sinai...
A Religious Vocation is a Grace
Come & See Chapter Two: What Is a Religious Vocation? A vocation to the religious/consecrated life is a special grace that God gives to certain persons, calling them to a life of the evangelical counsels. There is more than passing value in stressing the fact that...
Great Saints and Their Spiritual Contribution
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The History of Religious Life Great Saints and Their Spiritual Contribution St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane Francis de Chantal Conference transcription from a talk that Father Hardon gave to the Institute on Religious Life Fr. Hardon: The...
Priests Reconcile a Sinful People with Their God
Come & See: Chapter 1: What is a Catholic Priest? What is a Catholic priest? He is a man ordained by Christ to continue the Savior's work of redemption until the end of time. He is therefore a person specially chosen to proclaim the Gospel of salvation and lead...
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