What is the key to holiness?
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We address ourselves to the questions: “Why and how are Members of the Fatima Family Apostolate called to Holiness?” Needless to say, this subject covers an ocean of ideas. That is why I wish to limit myself to just four questions and...
Mary as Model Catechist for Parents
by Fr. John Hardon, S.J. We do not usually talk about Mary as a catechist, and we do not commonly think of her as a model for those who catechize. But the Blessed Virgin Mary is not only a pattern, she is a perfect model of what every catechist in the Catholic Church...
The heart of the Fatima message
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. On May 13, 1982, Pope John Paul II offered the Sacrifice of the Mass in Fatima, during his pilgrimage of gratitude to Portugal. During the Mass, the Pope preached a lengthy homily on “Mary’s Maternal Love.” This homily I consider the most...
Incarnation: Our God, Jesus Christ, was carried in Mary’s womb
The Mother of God by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We address Our Lady as Mother of God every time we recite the Hail Mary, and say, “Holy Mary, Mother of God.” This title is at once the most fundamental Marian profession of our Catholic faith, and the most endearing in...
Christ Himself must first be known as the God-man
The Incarnation is the central doctrine of Christianity, so its meaning and its importance should be the focal point of Christian education.
Prayer is conversation with our adorable God
In prayer, we can approach God as our generous benefactor from whom we receive and continue receiving everything we are and possess.
The poor souls in purgatory still have the stains of sin within them
We are not certain if purgatory is a place where souls are cleansed, but what’s important to know is that it is a state in which souls undergo purification.
Halloween: It Is a Protestant Heresy to Honor The Saints
History of the Church: 1517 A.D. to the Present Theology for The Laity Series – Fall ‘94 The Real Meaning of Halloween by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Now once more, the sequence for today’s classes will first be on Church History and then on the Third Article of the...
How is the Rosary a channel of grace?
The Rosary: A Prayer for All Times The Indispensable Prayer for Our Times by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Our title for this conference is, “The Rosary: A Prayer for All Times.” I would like to add a subtitle, so that the full title will read: “The Rosary: A Prayer for...
Without this faith, there would not have been a Mother Teresa
The Spirituality of Mother Teresa by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. It is a privilege to say a few words about Mother Teresa at this first anniversary Mass, commemorating her death on September 5th, 1997. I thought I would concentrate on some of the features of her...