St. Francis de Sales: Spirituality would be different without him
Today (January 24) we celebrate the feast day of a great Doctor of the Church, St. Francis de Sales. Born at the peak of Protestantism, he became a clear voice in defending the Catholic faith. He was also a strong advocate for the Church's need of dedicated women who...
The Eucharist is Christmas carried forward
Homily: Christmas and the Eucharist by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. There are so many subjects that we could talk about on Christmas day, but I thought the most appropriate would be to speak on Christmas and the Eucharist. There are many aspects to their relationship, but...
The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Catholic Discovery of America
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. It must seem strange to associate the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Catholic discovery of America. What makes the subject strange is that most people think of the discovery of the New World in geographic terms. In 1492, an Italian navigator...
There was no Protestant Reformation. There was a Protestant revolution
A History of the Church: 1517 A.D. to the Present Theology for the Laity Series Protestantism and its Forms by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The combination Protestant Reformation is found in all English written books, it is however not a Catholic idea, in fact it is...
The Rosary: The Hail Mary has been prayed from the beginning of Christianity
Our Lady of the Rosary - Marian Retreat History of the Rosary by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Our present meditation is on the History of the Holy Rosary. As we enter into our reflections on Our Lady of the Rosary during this Marian retreat, we first wish to see something...
Archangel Raphael rescued the family from the powers of the devil
The Archangel Raphael by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. We shall concentrate on this meditation on one book of the Old Testament, the book of Tobias, also called the Book of Tobit. Unfortunately as we know, this book is missing in both the Jewish and the Protestant Old...
How St. Augustine contributed to religious life
History of Religious Life St. Augustine and the Religious Life by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The Institute of Religious Life and the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence bring you the fourth in a series of lectures given by Fr. John A. Hardon S.J. on the theme: History...
The Mission of the Word
John the evangelist carefully distinguishes between the role of St. John the Baptist as the precursor of Christ, and Christ as the Divine Person who was sent by the Father to enlighten and thus redeem the world. As important as John the Baptist was in identifying...
The development of Church and state policy in the early centuries
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The question of Church and State and the problems to which their relation has given rise, are as old as Christianity. In a true sense there was no problem of Church and State before the advent of Christ when, for all practical purposes, the...
The Ascension of our Lord is a promise
On the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord, which is the closing of our Lord’s stay visibly on earth, this is both a commemoration and a promise and a condition. It is first of all, a commemoration. Christ really rose from the dead. Christ really ascended into heaven....